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The ELANA Field Trial 1 Evinced- My Experience as a volunteer

Punam Aslami Magar

“Tell me & I will forget. Show me & I may remember. Involve me & I will understand.” Confucius 450BC.

It’s an honor and great pleasure for allowing me to take part in Early Learning & Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (ELANA).  It’s astonishing how people are capable of thinking over the hedge and ELANA has made me feel it.  Usually we live only for ourselves here and now but this project is futuristic which commits to upcoming generation.  The ELANA, which is being implemented in middle income global south countries including Nepal that requires direct child assessment. This is my first fresh experience which has forged a new meaning on classroom theory.  Many people asked me if this was related to my work or education and I answered ‘NO’ then again ‘Why, what do you gain?’ Because I want to step out of my boundary and try new. So, this opportunity gave me something new that’s out of my everyday personal and professional life by linking with new people, places, scope with different human approach and aids me as research student. Confronting entirely unknown people from different field was like chalk and cheese. Being a critical care nurse for past 7years I’ve learned much to handle life and death as being around children is not viable but the moment I got indulged, I was able to enjoy my time with children more than expected, also realized that harmonizing children is just as challenging.  I salute all teachers who spend every day with children because its oodles of effort and patience required to blend with them.  As a surveyor of ELANA field trial 1, conducting digital assessment on tablet felt much easy and effective. Children seemed keen to participate with us.  The booklets were child friendly and attractive. Though it requires few changes and all the surveyors have given feedback, it was appropriate and well-built set for the child assessment.  I am grateful towards Ellaine Memorial School for allowing us to collect the data in the school. I am not sure if I have actually been able to fully meet the objective of FT 1 or not, it surely was a step for me to build my experience, confidence and knowledge in the field of child assessment. My heartfelt gratitude to Rotaract Club a local partner in this initiation, ASER Nepal hosted by Galli Galli and all my fellow surveyors from the ELANA team. Many regards to Rajib Timalsina sir for your motivational briefing and Pramila sis for your valuable guidance and support throughout the survey process.

Thank you.

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